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Wing Chun

Learn martial arts

How Wing Chun can help your physical and mental well-being:

  • Character development

  • Mind, body, & spirit alignment

  • Clear conscience

  • Self-discipline

  • Self-control

  • Self-confidence

  • Focus

  • Coordination

  • Speed & timing

  • Accuracy

  • Body mobility, dexterity, & agility


Training includes:

Our Martial Arts programs include Wing Chun, Qi Gong, and Weapons as handed down by the original masters. In addition to promoting physical and mental well-being for children and adults, our martial arts programs allow students to learn self-defense, build confidence, discipline, and leadership skills as that they can apply to every facet of their lives. Our one-on-one approach focuses on each student’s needs and learning abilities while empowering them with the skills necessary to succeed. Whether you are a novice or experienced martial artist looking for fitness, self-defense, or in-depth study, there is something to fit you at Wing Chun School. Master Rockwell has been teaching martial arts for 64 years. Raised in Japan for 18 years, he started training at 7 years of age.

Cost is $106.50/month.

(Pierre Music students receive a 50% discount.)